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philosophy of art

Your response to your art stems from what you believe art is and what its
overall purpose is. There are 4 main theories for judging whether a piece
of art successful: Imitationalism, Formalism, Instrumentalism, and

  • Imitationalism –
    “Art is good when it imitates reality”
  • Formalism –
    “Art is good when it masters the artistic elements and principles”
  • Instrumentalism –
    “Art is good when it communicates a message”
  • Emotionalism –
    “Art is good when it evokes an emotional response”
  • Line -  An element of art defined by a point moving in space.
  • Shape  - An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.
  • Form - An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume; includes height,width and depth.
  • Value -  The lightness or darkness of tones or colors.
  • Space  - An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined in a work of art.
  • Color -  An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value and intensity.
  • Texture -  An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.
  • Rhythm -  A principle of design that indicates movement, created by the careful placement of repeated elements in a work of art to cause a visual tempo or beat.
  • Balance - A way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. Major types are symmetrical and asymmetrical.
  • Emphasis - (contrast) A way of combining elements to stress the differences between those elements.
  • Proportion -  A principle of design that refers to the relationship of certain elements to the whole and to each other.
  • Variety - A principle of design concerned with diversity or contrast. Variety is achieved by using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art.
  • Movement -  A principle of design used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art.